| MATH80630 | Lectures | Assignments | Project | Office hour
Trustworthy Machine Learning (MATH80630): Fall 2022
Lecture Schedule
1- Week 1 (September 2): Class introduction and machine learning review
- Lecture: Slides
2- Week 2 (September 9): Statistical Fairness Definitions in Machine Learning
- Lecture: Slides
- Reading:
3- Week 3 (September 16): Causal Fairness Definitions in Machine Learning
- Lecture: Slides
- Reading:
4- Week 4 (September 23): Sources of Data Biases and Pre-Processing Fairness Approaches
- Lecture: Slides
- Reading:
5- Week 5 (September 30): Fair Representation learning and In-Processing Fairness techniques
- Lecture: Slides
- Reading:
6- Week 6 (October 7): Post-processing Fairness techniques, Intro to Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning and Differential Privacy
- Lecture: Slides
- Reading:
7- Week 7 (October 14): Applications of DP in ML
- Lecture: Slides
- Reading:
8- Week 8 (October 21): Reading Week
- No Class
9- Week 9 (October 28): DP in ML optimization, DP-SGD, and Federated Learning
- Lecture: Slides
- Reading:
10- Week 10 (November 4): Federated Optimization, Privacy and Fairness in Federated learning, Intersection of Privacy and Fairness
- Lecture: Slides
- Reading:
11- Week 11 (November 11): Robustness in ML, adverserial attacks, and FL and robustness
- Lecture: Slides
12- Week 12 (November 18): Intro to Model understanding, Interpretability vs. Explainability, and Post-hoc Explanations: local approaches
- Lecture: Slides
- Reading:
- Towards a rigorous science of interpretable machine learning
- Human-in-the-loop Models & Explanations: Faithful and Customizable Explanations of Black Box Models
- Understanding Black-box Predictions via Influence Functions
- Explaining Black Box Machine Learning Models for High Stakes Decisions and Use Interpretable Models Instead.
- Manipulating and Measuring Model Interpretability
13- Week 13 (November 26): Post-hoc Explanations: local vs. global approaches
- Lecture: Slides
- Reading:
14- Week 14 (December 2): Project Preperation and Neurips
- No Class
15- Week 15 (December 9): Project Presentation
- Room: Bleu, Salle Rona (Côte-Sainte-Catherine 1er étage, capacité 30)