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Responsible AI (Winter 2025), McGill University/Mila
- All materials and details are available at MyCourses at McGill.
Artificial Intelligence (Fall 2024), McGill University/Mila
- All materials and details are available at MyCourses at McGill.
Responsible AI (Winter 2024), McGill University/Mila
- All materials and details are available at MyCourses at McGill. The list of readings is available here.
Machine Learning 1 (Winter 2023), HEC Montreal/Mila
- All materials and details are available at the machine learning course webpage: Winter 2023.
Trustworthy Machine Learning (Fall 2022), HEC Montreal/Mila
- All materials and details are available at the turstworthy machine learning course webpage: Fall 2022.
Machine Learning 1 (Winter 2022), HEC Montreal/Mila
- All materials and details are available at the machine learning course webpage: Winter 2022.
Machine Learning 1 (Fall 2021), HEC Montreal/Mila
- All materials and details are available at the machine learning course webpage: Fall 2021.
Data Science (Fall 2019), Mila
- All materials and details are available at the data science course webpage: Fall 2019.
Teaching Assistant
Advance Machine Learning and Responsible AI (2017–2018), UCSC
- Teach a tutorial on Fairness-aware AI
Text-based Information Retrieval (2016–2017), KU Leuven
- Supervise and teach practical session
- Organize Invited talks from industry (Google DeepMind and Facebook AI)
Machine Learning (2015–2016) (2016 –2017), UW Tacoma
- Teach a theoretical and practical session on Deep Neural networks and Tensorflow
- Design the project on user profiling in social media as a running project through the course
- Evaluate the results of the software submissions every week
- Grade the biweekly presentations, projects’ code and final reports
Data Mining (2014–2015), UW Tacoma
- Design the project on author profiling in social media as a running project through the course
- Grade the projects’ code and final reports
Introduction to Java Programming (2013–2014), KU Leuven
- Design exercises
- Supervise and teach practical sessions twice a week
- Grade the midterm and final projects and reports